The PPSC RYSE program supports youth in obtaining long term, sustainable employment. Youth work with a Career and Education Specialist through an individualized plan to gain the necessary experience and skills needed for employment in the field of their choice.  

As the PPSC RYSE program is federally funded, youth need to meet certain eligibility requirements in order to qualify. Presently, we have 2 tracks as follows:  

In School Youth  

-Ages 16-21  

-Must be enrolled in high school, junior college, or university  

-Must have an IEP or 504 Plan  

-Fill out Interest Form HERE 

Out of School Youth  

-Ages 16-24 

-Not enrolled in high school, junior college, or university  

-Eligible barriers, include: foster youth, being unhoused, having a disability, parent/pregnant, mental health diagnosis, justice system involved, did not complete high school.  

-Fill out Interest Form HERE 

If you are interested in Career Services and are unsure if you qualify, please fill out this interest form: https://forms.office.com/r/LAsSCy2fct 

A Career and Education Specialist will reach out to you once we've received your interest form!  

Get started today! 
Fill out our interest form, call 707-765-8488, or email RYSE@petalumapeople.org